Concrete Garb - Giving The Concrete Industry A Sense Of Style!

Episode 44: Larry Hagner, The Dad Edge



Today, the Garb brings you Mr. Larry Hagner.  Larry is the founder of "The Dad Edge".  The Dad Edge empowers men to create legendary marriages, create epic connections with our kids, master our personal finances, optimize our health, and become a leader within their family.   I first was introduced to Larry at the dad edge  when I ran across his podcast.  I started hearing about ways to become a better, stronger, and a happier version of myself.  It wasn't but a couple months later I subscribed to the Dad Edge Alliance, which is a group of currently 650 likeminded men who are all striving to be better fathers, better husbands, and better stewards of their community.   Lets  do this and let's live legendary!