
Non-traditional career paths for health professionals. Brand consulting, copyrighting, marketing and more with dietitian Millie Padula



In today's episode, I am joined by Millie Padula, a dietitian that has recently flipped her career on its head to pursue work exclusively in the online space. Millie is the founder of Dietitian Edition and makes a living by creating evidenced-based nutrition content, consulting with leading food brands, and working in the parameters of nutrition marketing. Among her work portfolio are some pretty incredible brand partnerships including her role as copywriter for Sarah’s Day’s Sunee App, and recent blog collaboration with fellow dietitian Ellie Bullen of Elsa’s Wholesome Life.We discuss:Why Millie decided to pursue work exclusively in the online space (12:50)How Millie approached her transition out of clinical work and into running Dietitian Edition (17:52) How Dietitian Edition has evolved over time (24:38)Millie’s role as the Marketing Coordinator at Koja and how her skill set as a dietitian enhances her role (27:40)What a normal workweek looks like in Millie's business. How does she split her time