
The benefits of niching down in your online business



In this episode, I chat about niche areas and how ‘niching down’ can help to grow your businessI cover…What a niche area is The different ways that niching down can help to increase your visibility and discoverability onlineHow having a clearly defined niche can help to attract your ideal clientsWhy thinking 'I can help everyone' might not be the best strategy for attracting clients to your businessWanna sky-rocket your engagement on Instagram? Download my free ebook '7 strategies to ignite your engagement on Instagram' at is an independent podcast that thrives on the support of its listeners. If you'd like to support the show and hear more addictive episodes you can do so in a few ways...Hit 'subscribe' on Apple podcasts or 'follow' on SpotifyLeave a rating and reviewShare a screenshot with your friends on socialsCraving more? You're only human!Website: rachelhawkins.coInstagram: @rachelhawkinscoFacebook: @rachelhawkinscoPint