
Talia Cecchele | Eating Disorder Dietitian & Founder of Talia Cecchele Nutrition



Talia Cecchele is an Australian Dietitian and Nutritionist currently living and working in London. Talia is a woman who does it all...the amount of work she fits into one day is incredible! Talia works as a specialist dietitian on an inpatient eating disorders unit, has a locum role as a paediatric dietitian for the National Health Services (NHS) and also practices privately at the Rhitrition Clinic- one of London’s leading private nutrition clinics. Somewhere in between, Talia also maintains an Instagram page, blog and website that hosts over 100 free recipes to help inspire people to live a healthy life. While this workload may sound a little crazy, Talia’s story represents what is a reality for many dietitians in our industry and demonstrates what can be achieved if you work hard enough.In this chat, Talia and I focus on her work in the area of eating disorders. We discuss how she got started, tips for those wanting to specialise in this field and treatment options for those suffering with diagnosed eating