We The Sales Engineers: A Resource For Sales Engineers, By Sales Engineers

#198 Ghosting, Interviewing, and Hiring New Sales Engineers



As an SE, we get to do the fun stuff. That’s according to our guest today, but I would agree with him 100%. Our job is one of the most rewarding jobs out there and yet, there are still many ways where our role could be improved. That’s why in today’s episode, Justin shares why he loves sales engineering so much and how he helps other SEs to become better as an SE manager. Justin Hammon is the Manager of the Solutions Engineers at CivicPlus, an expert in local government website design, development, content management, and e-government tools and applications that promote community involvement and participation. CivicPlus does software solutions for local government, specifically in the United States, Canada, and Australia.   Shownotes: https://wethesalesengineers.com/show198