Speaking With Tj Walker - How Great Leaders Communicate Through The Media, Public Speeches, Presentations And The Spoken Word

Lisa B Marshall - High Level Podcast and In-Person Communication



Lisa B Marshall - High Level Podcast and In-Person Communication Lisa B. Marshall (lisabmarshall.com) has a long history of helping organizations and elite performers develop strong communication and leadership by emphasizing scientifically-based insights and ultra-practical techniques and strategies. Her company develops solutions to facilitate organizational effectiveness and leadership development through consulting, training, keynotes, and one-on-one coaching. Signature programs include Smart Talk: Communicating Influence, Maximizing Impact; The Successful Leader: From Ordinary to Extraordinary; and Expert Presenter: From Information to Influence. Her programs have been delivered globally. Although specializing in biotech/pharma, engineering, and health care clients include Johns Hopkins Medicine, Roche, Pepsico, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, The American Heart Association, Leidos, The University of Pennsylvania, AstraZenea, AARP, AMG (Affiliated Managers Group), Kellogg’s and man