Ghost Magnet With Bridget Marquardt

West Coast Ghosts with Lauren Parker



This weeks guest is Lauren Parker. Lauren says she has always been interested in the paranormal, but especially after moving into her current home in 2009, where they immediately began experiencing strange activity. She joined TAPS West Coast after they did an investigation at her house. After learning she was a history nerd, she became the team historian & am now a lead investigator.  She has investigated many locations all over the West Coast, including the Winchester Mystery House, The Fox Theatre, Ripleys Believe it or Not Museum, Titanic exhibit, Saugus Train Station, Ruiz Cemetery, & Mentryville, but her favorite investigations are private homes. All that plus Lisa Morton's Ghost Report on Ghost Magnet with Bridget Marquardt.  #TAPS #LegendTripping #WinchesterMysteryHouse #