The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

467: Marcus Buckingham - How To Find Love In Your Work, Designing The Future Of Education, & Breaking All The Rules



Text Hawk to 66866 to join tens of thousands of others who subscribe to "Mindful Monday" -- A carefully curated email to help you start your week off right... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Marcus Buckingham is best selling author of 10 books, including his international hit, “First, Break All The Rules,” He’s been the subject of in-depth profiles in The New York Times, The Today Show, and by Oprah. Marcus spent two decades studying excellence at the Gallup Organization and co-creating the StrengthsFinder tool. His latest book is called Love + Work. Notes: “When you see someone do something with excellence, there is always love in it– loveless excellence is an oxymoron.” Fear versus Love – “The evolutionary purpose of fear is to narrow your focus to a few clear choices, fight or flight, the point of love is to create in you such feelings of safety and connection that you broaden your outlook and build your strengths.” If you're feeling fea