Moving Radio

CUFF 2022 - HUSKS - Rob Grant (writer/director) Interview



Christian Zyp interviews Rob Grant about his potential film HUSKS. The screenplay will have a Table Read as a feature of the Calgary Underground Film Festival (CUFF) on April 24th, 2022.Join a cast of actors for a live script reading of the local horror-comedy HUSKS. The upcoming feature is a fun, absurd, and an untimely hopeful escape, revealing in the triumph of the human spirit, however blood-soaked it may be. There will be a Q&A following the reading, and the production team are open to script feedback following the event.In TUSKS... A ragtag bachelor party are abducted during a hunting trip by a truly inept alien force. With the party armed and able to defend relentless attacks, the hive-minded humanoid creatures are forced to lay siege on their ship’s loading bay. It’s EVIL DEAD meets FIRE IN THE SKY,