Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

Simplifying as a Way to Scale with Juliana Garcia



Doing less will make you successful. One of the biggest mistakes I see women doing right now is working hard and spending your time on activities that won’t generate income When the truth is, the women who have it all, don’t do it all. You started your business to buy back your time and live the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of. But if you’re finding yourself being a busy bee and treating nights and weekends as catch-up days … It’s time to make the shifts in your business so you’re not overwhelmed with admin work or stuck in client delivery Simplicity is the way to scale.  It’s time to focus on the CEO work that you love and reach your 6 to 7-figure income goals. That’s why for this special Breadwinning Women episode, I’m introducing you to my friend and mentor, Juliana Garcia. She shares the shifts that she made in her business to scale her business to millions while prioritizing her self-care and focusing on the work she loves. In this episode, learn …   How to consistently attract premium clients who ar