Moving Radio

CUFF 2022 - WE MET IN VIRTUAL REALTY - Joe Hunting (dir/prod) w/ John, Scout & Dylan (subjects in the film)



Christian Zyp interviews Joe Hunting (director/producer) of WE MET IN VIRTUAL REALITY, as well as John, Scout & Dylan (subjects in the film). You can see it as part of the Calgary Underground FIlm Festival on Sat April 23rd at 6:30 pm at the Globe Cinema.Filmed entirely inside the world of VR, WE MET IN VIRTUAL REALITY is a vérité documentary that captures an intimate collage of stories exploring the burgeoning cultural landscape of VRChat while the physical world faced isolation during the COVID-19 lockdown.Following two long distance couples growing their relationships as they prepare to meet physically and a sign language teacher dedicated to building a welcoming community for deaf and hard of hearing VRChat users, WE MET IN VIRTUAL REALITY opens diverse conversations about love, identity, grief and mental health, offering a hyper real journey into the human experience of an online world that will soon shape the future.
