Down The Security Rabbithole

DtSR Episode 352 - AWS REInforce Warm Up Episode



This week, ahead of AWS RE:INFORCE 2019 (the first one) Rafal gets a conversation with buddy Mark for a candid talk about the top 3 public cloud providers, and a little insight into the evolution of the industry ... or not... Highlights from this week's show include... What are we expecting from AWS RE:INFORCE this inaugural year? Mark gives us his take on the security in the three major public cloud providers Rafal and Mark reminisce about how things were...and where they are in terms of cloud, and security Mark and Rafal laugh about the opportunity security teams have right now...or may be missing Guest: Mark Nunnikhoven ( @marknca ) - Mark's awesome. He's also the Vice President of Cloud Research at Trend Micro. Other stuff he does here: