Down The Security Rabbithole

DtSR Episode 344 - You've Probably Been Pwned



This week, Rafal is joined by the man, the myth, the Aussie legend - Troy Hunt. We basically talk about whatever is on his mind - which, as it turns out is a lot. Take a listen, we may publish an English translation later (joking, Troy!).   Highlights from this week's show include... Troy gives a run-down on HaveIBeenPwned We talk through some of the interesting use-cases for HaveIBeenPwned data Troy gives perspective on usernames, passwords, and other important things technology/security related Guest Troy Hunt ( @TroyHunt ) - Troy is a Microsoft Regional Director and Most Valuable Professionalawardee for Developer Security, blogger at, international speaker on web security and the author of many top-rating security courses for web developers on Pluralsight. I created HIBP as a free resource for anyone to quickly assess if they may have been put at risk due to an online account of theirs having been compromised or "pwned" in a data breach. I wanted to keep it dead simple to use and entirely f