Down The Security Rabbithole

DtSR Episode 318 - War, Cyber and Policy



This week the DtSR podcast tackles one of the thornier issues going around in the news. As the accusations of Russsian hacking continue to mount, international leaders are speaking out and making bold statements that impact policy on a global level. This topic needed to be addressed with some folks who have actual expertise in the matter - and with the understanding that what we have here are opinions and interpretations.   Highlights from this week's show include: A lively discussion on the implications of the term "cyber war" Jon and Dennis discuss the tone, and context of the article in question: Rafal, Patrick, and Jon go a few rounds on other cyber matters as it pertains to the term "war" and its implications If you listen to this episode and have a strong opinion - get on Twitter and use the hashtag #DtSR and let's discuss it! There is already a lively discussion started here: