Down The Security Rabbithole

DtSR Episode 253 - Defending the Small-to-Medium Enterprise



On this podcast - James and I welcome Shon Gerber as we talk through a pair of current events and the topic of the day.   Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama sends out USB sticks Security elitists up in arms We've taught people to be suspicious - don't click, don't open docs, and don't use USB -- So how do we get our clients content? To my fellow security professionals- it's reckless to continue to stand with a firm "no" while offering no alternatives So what do we suggest? More important - what threat model vector are we saying that blocking the sending out of USB sticks would defend against? MySpace has a major account password reset flaw, allowing account take-over Wait ... MySpace is still around? But seriously, to exploit this last ditch feature for those who've forgotten everything else all you need is the listed name, date of birth, and username How many of our sites have this problem, or worse?