Down The Security Rabbithole

DtSR FeatureCast - Enfuse Conf 2017 - Preamble



We kick off a week of on-the-scene podcasts live'ish from Enfuse Conference 2017, hosted by Guidance Software in Las Vegas, Nevada with Lori Chavez VP of Corporate Marketing. She is the brains responsible for the amazing conference including speakers, content and everything else. Lori gives YOU an insider preview of Enfuse 2017, and tells us a little about what we can expect and some history of the conference - and we can't wait to give you MORE! Stay tuned in all week as we bring you more fantastic content from Enfuse Conference 2017. And as always, use the hashtag #DtSR to talk back to James and I or #EnfuseCon17 to interact with speakers and attendees! Just for DtSR listeners - we will post a special coupon code for next year's registration... just for listening. Don't miss it later this week!