Down The Security Rabbithole

DtSR Episode 200 - Privacy, Security, Risk and Law Collide



** Our 200th numbered episode! **   A note from Raf:  Thanks to everyone who has been listening to us, tweeting us, and sharing the links to our podcast. We are absolutely floored with the support and listenership we've received. The average show now gets just under 2,500 downloads when released in the first week, and that number goes up every week. So from the bottom of my heart, I humbly thank you and hope you'll continue to listen, share, and comment. This week's episode is titled "Privacy, Security, Risk and Law Collide" as we host Dr. Chris Pierson and our recurring legal eagle from the great state of Texas, Shawn Tuma. If you don't have Shawn added on Twitter, you should go follow him right now. In this week's episode we discuss the increasingly overlapping world of what was once "IT security" which has now started coming together with privacy, risk and law. Chris is uniquely poised to talk on the subject, as you will hear his credentials speak for themselves. You'll want to get comfortable, pay attenti