Down The Security Rabbithole

DtSR Episode 167 - NewsCast for Nov 2nd 2015



In this episode... Turn any old car into a "smart car" for $200 with this new miracle device "BACKED BY FROGVENTURES, VOYOMOTIVE IS TACKLING THE BURGEONING CONNECTED-CAR SPACE" Could be a fantastic idea Could be an awful idea Has anyone considered the security ramifications? What about privacy? OMB preps cyber sprint follow-up Michael's take on "gap focus": Hoping for 75% authentication for 2FA - not exactly great Lots of challenges here, but is this the right thing to do? TalkTalk breached, 3 teenagers arrested, CEO goes tone deaf CEO says they "were not legally required to encrypt client information" Teenagers arrested in breach The poster child for having a breach preparedness plan, before the cameras start rolling and media starts calling