Down The Security Rabbithole

DtSR Episode 144 - Insights from the ISC2 2015 Survey



In this episode... David Shearer, Executive Director for ISC2 joins us to talk about the results of the ISC2 2015 Information Security Workforce Study We ask David to highlight some of the results We discuss how malware and application security were identified as top threats 3 years in a row -- and what's to be done about this We discuss the major discrepancy between priorities from this survey and recent CIO surveys We discuss the importance of communication skills (identified in the survey) while leadership and business management are far down the scale We discuss with David how under his leadership ISC2 can build a much tighter alignment to business -- not just more security certifications Guest David Shearer - David Shearer has more than 27 years of business experience including the chief operating officer for (ISC)², associate chief information officer for International Technology Services at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the deputy chief information officer at the U.S. Department of the Interio