Down The Security Rabbithole

DtSR Episode 132 - Good Guys, Bad Guys, and Reality



In this episode... We learn the origins of "RSnake" as told by Rob himself Rob gives us a peek into the dark side, from his contacts and experiences We discuss the black-hat economy as it's verticalized, specialized, and matured Rob discusses the balancing act of the good vs. bad and why the situation is as bad as it needs to be We discuss some of the things businesses and defenders really need to worry about Rob gives us his view of the inevitability of security from SMB to enterprise -- and why things are so good, or bad, or just right We discuss the different ways security is being understood, implemented and matured and why it's futile to chase absolutes Michael and Rob dive into the labor shortage in security - real, perceived, or misunderstood? Rob gives us his outlook on where things are going over the next decade or so   Guest Robert "RSnake" Hansen - ( @RSnake ) - Strategic. Web security expert. Visionary. Robert brings more than 20 years of web application and browser security experience, innovat