Down The Security Rabbithole

DtR Episode 51 - NewsCast for July 29th, 2013



Ladies and gentlemen, we are over the 50 episodes mark!  If you've enjoyed the podcast, please go rate us in the iTunes store, or leave us a note here. Have you checked out past episodes?! There are some gems in there, I promise, and worth your time. Topics Covered Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek demonstrated (and will disclose code to) the hack which allows complete (tethered) remote control of a modern vehicle. You need to watch this video, and if you develop code for transport vehicles and aren't thinking about securing your code - it's time to adjust course before you actually kill someone - and this is how the UK 'muzzled' a researcher who did something similar - Apple demonstrates how not to do breach disclosure, while Ibrahim Balic demonstrates how to jump into the spotlight (and put foot in mout