Down The Security Rabbithole

DtR Episode 43 - NewsCast for June 3rd, 2013



It's June already?! Where has the first half of 2013 gone? James and I break down the last 2 weeks of interesting InfoSec news in a short "Monday morning quarterback" style... enjoy! Topics Covered Evernote adds 2-step veficication for their authentication, and follows suit with just about every other 'modern' app. Following on the hells of Twitter, LinkedIn, FaceBook, Apple and the one that started it all, Google - we're now getting multi-step authentication from Evernote. Free users not welcome ...yet? - Dropbox down for more than an hour, but it wasn't a security bug (we don't think), it's just that they had 'technical difficulty'. If you depend on Dropbox for your file synchronization services, you knew this happened - NIST 500-299 "Cloud COmputing Security Reference Architecture" document is released. There's a bit of irony here, as the d