Audacious Mamas - Inspiration And Strategies For Mompreneurs

Avoid Burnout - Learn from these Entrepreneurs Ep 94



Avoid Burnout - learn from these Entrepreneurs and tap into intuitive guidance for your business Entrepreneurship can be a lonely and stressful journey. It's important to avoid burnout by learning from those who've been on the path just ahead of you. Tap into your intuition and let it guide you to success. I noticed some of the entrepreneurial women I adore and look up to were sharing some of the same challenges. All followed the same patterns and hit a point of burnout. While none of these women are mamas yet, they have inspiring success stories and a willingness to be vulnerable and share openly. There's so much to learn from them! Sadly, this came with a loss of identity, being subsumed into their businesses and following the leaders and coaches with a blueprint to follow—and by being hyper-focused by stats, followers, and views. They had no time to reflect on what makes them happy and what motivated them to create their businesses. They had the sense that success was solely about building millions an