She's Got Drive: Black Women Talk About Success And How They Achieved It.

Episode 10: Find our how Working for Michelle Obama made Julie Wenah Strive to be better



In this episode of She’s Got Drive we have Julie Wenah, just started working as Counsel at Airbnb. Julie was former Obama Appointee: Counselor and Policy Advisor, U.S. Department of Commerce. She led President Obama’s manufacturing initiative around regional collaboration and building strong manufacturing communities. So many insights await you.  She shares how she got to the White House  The painful process of loosing her father  The power of her faith How First Lady Michelle Obama reacted when she passed the Bar What lies behind her drive What it’s like to work for President Obama and Former First Lady Michelle Obama  The power of Hip Hop in her life and the lyrics of Hip Hop Her next passion project - the life messages in Hip Hop music and what can we learn  The importance of healing for Black women    Connect with Julie on instagram @albummixtape Julie now has a podcast called The Album and the Mixtape, ind it on Podbean:   She’s Got Drive is produce