Birdman On The Mountain

5-17-2022 - Mountain Talk with Adria & Allie - Upcoming Events & Activities



Adria and Allie talk food - homemade caramels, breakfast at the Senior Center, WM Chili Cook-off; Armed Forces Day Flag Ceremony, Chris Kane, Spring Carnival, Hogs & Hot Rods, and the Chalk Walk Exhibition; and fire safety. Get out there and have fun! Share your photos with us! Family Events Saturday, May 21st - WM Chili Cook-off Saturday, May 21st - 11am Armed Forces Day Flag Ceremony at the Veteran Memorial  Adult Events Friday, May 20th and Saturday, May 21st - Chris Kane at The Lion's Den Bar & Grill  Upcoming Events Memorial Day Weekend - Spring Carnival at Mountain Meadows Recreation Park  Saturday, May 28th - Hogs & Hot Rods Memorial Weekend Show & Shine http://Hogsan