Work @ Home Rockstar Podcast

WHR 3.71 : Barbara Elena Ramirez



Today we have Barbara Ramirez, an Online Business Manager, Productivity Coach, and Co-Founder of My Virtual Partnr, to talk about her success story in working and growing her business online and how she helps her clients optimize their time with the services she offers. She also shares the challenges she has encountered while growing her business and the tools she used to jump over the hurdles successfully.   Barbara, co-founded My Virtual Partnr in 2015 to put together their corporate and strategic planning background and expertise and create a simple strategic planning program for Small Businesses, like yours, that are seeking to scale in business. They have enjoyed creating this roadmap to get work done for our business, and now they are giving it to you because they want you to succeed in your business.   They have managed to pivot their business by focusing on what’s actually important and dismissing what was keeping us away from our ultimate goal by just keeping things simple.   Learn more about Barbara