Magnificent Time For Entrepreneurs

Simple Strategies to Manifest Your Desires-Interview with Boni Lonnsburry



You’ve heard about the Law of Attraction, but do you know how to tap into its power? How can you manifest your desires? Tune in for conversation with author Boni Lonnsburry, expert on conscious creation and author of the bestselling book, “The Map: To Our Responsive Universe, Where Dreams Really Do Come True.” According to Boni, “Every one of us does create our own reality. That is indisputable and has even been scientifically proven. What most people don’t have is a step-by-step system to learn how to consciously create their realities. That is what I have developed.” Using her strategies, Boni grew her business into a $5 million company, traveled around the world, married the love of her life, and became authentically happy. Learn more at ******************************* Visit Cloris’s Site: Follow Cloris on Facebook: Cloris's Book