

This week we talk about games that make us Tense! and the tons of new games we have been playing! News: Metal Dawn! Green horde! Cmon minimum advertised price policy..... What we have been playing? (Roy) Epic Battlelore (Rob) Battlelore, Secret Hitler (Matt) Terraforming Mars, Ethnos, Honshu, Sagrada, Xenoshyft: Dreadmire Topic: Tense Games! What are a few games that are intense and exciting? Battlestar Galactica Game of Thrones Dead of Winter Spector Ops The Grizzled Xenoshyft Mansions of Madness XCOM Junk Art Thank you so much to our amazing patrons!! Patron of the week! Mark Kale Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram Follow, like,subscribe, iTunes reviews! Facebook!!