

Roy, Matt, & Rob talk about Kickstarter Games! and what we like and dislike about Kickstarter! We also rant about the Asmodee Alliance Exclusivity.   News: D&D remake of Betrayal at House on the Hill Lords of Hellas Deception Murder in Hong Kong Asmodee Alliance exclusivity What we have been playing? (Roy) Guns and Steel, Tiny Epic Galaxies: Beyond the Black (Rob) Guns and Steel (Matt) Tiny Epic Galaxies: Beyond the Black Topic: Kickstarters How many kickstarters have you backed? (Roy) 3 (Rob) 9 (Matt) 16ish What is your favorite game that has come from kickstarter? (Roy) Xia (Rob) Blood Rage/Rising Sun (Matt) Deception: Murder in Hong Kong Thank you so much to our amazing patrons!! Patron of the week! Kent Parker Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram Follow, like,subscribe, iTunes reviews! Facebook!!