Thriving Stylist Podcast

#246-Pros and Cons of Not Accepting Gratuities



The pros and cons of not accepting gratuities in the salon has always been a topic in our industry, although now more so than ever. This is why today I wanted to share about the history behind this issue, and to give my perspective and thoughts, because there is a lot to consider before you make a decision to not accept gratuities.  Make sure that your efforts are aligned in getting the results that you’re looking for with your business. It is important that you’re able to continue making the impact that you are seeking, all while taking care of your financial stability. I hope you find this episode informative and helpful as you make your own decision, and I respect you for whatever that decision may be!  If you have a question for me that you’d like answered in a future episode, a great way to do that is to head over to Apple Podcasts and leave a rating and review with your question. I’m looking forward to doing more of these types of episodes on the podcast! If you’re not already following us, @thethriving