Birdman On The Mountain

AZWM - Community Shout - 8-11-2022 - WM Market, Places to Eat in Pinetop/Lakeside, Christmas in August



School is back in session! Birdman is flying solo in the studio. White Mountain Market is still happening on Saturdays at WME Village 8. Grab a bite at Golden Dragon (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) or By the Bucket. Living Hope Dream Centers Christmas in August fundraiser had a great turnout!  White Mountain Market  Don Gardner - woodturner The Desert Alchemist - mushroom based tinctures and powders   Golden Dragon (PERMANENTLY CLOSED)   By the Bucket   Living Hope Dream Centers Christmas in August    #AZWM #ARIZONAWHITEMOUNTAINS #AZWHITEMOUNTAINS #ARIZONASBACKYARD   Recorded at the Birdman Media Studios. The Community Shout is how you the listener can come in and share anything from charity events, to fundraisers and even just to comment on how cool your neighbor is at no cost! Just stop by on Tuesday morning at 10:00 am in the Birdman Media Studios, ha