Concrete Garb - Giving The Concrete Industry A Sense Of Style!

Episode 58: Greg Mulder, ICPA/IRMCA



Today, the garb brings you Greg Mulder.  Greg is the Executive Director of the Iowa Concrete Paving Association and the Iowa Ready Mixed Concrete Association. Greg came to the ICPA/IRMCA in January of 2017 from the Iowa Department of Transportation, where he held many positions over the past 20 years and most recently the Director of Construction and Materials for IDOT.   Greg holds a BS in Civil Engineering from Iowa State University and is a registered professional engineer in Iowa.  He has specialized in construction administration, construction process improvements, innovations, and common sense throughout his career. Greg has helped the Iowa become a national leader in e-Construction and started the e-Ticketing program while at the DOT.   Ladies and Gentleman, allow the garb to introduce, Mr. Greg Mulder with Iowa Concrete Paving Association and the Iowa Ready Mixed Concrete Association, otherwise known as the "Concrete State"!    Special Thanks to our Sponsor: Stephens & Smith Construction Co., Inc.