Birdman On The Mountain

AZWM - Community Shout - 9-1-2022 - NAMI Walk, Battle of the Vans & Bands, Taylor Sweet Corn Festival



Ralph and Leann with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) stop by to share about their upcoming 5k fundraising walk in October. Birdmand and Garrett talk about the Battle of the Vans & Bands and the Taylor Sweet Corn Festival. NAMI   Battle of the Vans & Bands  Taylor Sweet Corn Festival  #AZWM #ARIZONAWHITEMOUNTAINS #AZWHITEMOUNTAINS #ARIZONASBACKYARD   Recorded at the Birdman Media Studios. The Community Shout is how you the listener can come in and share anything from charity events, to fundraisers and even just to comment on how cool your neighbor is at no cost! Just stop by on Tuesday morning at 10:00 am in the Birdman Media Studios, have a seat and tell everyone what's going on.   The following are the sponsors of the ARIZONA WHITE MOUNTAINS Podcast show, please visit them and give them your support when you can, as they make this show possible. Premi