Law And Order: Special Viewing Unit

Episode 213 - S10E11 - Stranger



On this week's episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review season 10 episode 11 of SVU - Stranger!  The guys discuss how much mileage the show is getting out of that rooftop set, Matt calls out his posting an episode without a title, and Matt sees the personification of death outside his front door in the form of a docked cruise ship in front of his place.  Aviv shares the story of him spilling coffee on his keyboard and trying to fix and clean said keyboard and it going awry.  All this and much more!Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, tweet at us @svupodcast (which we cannot stress enough is the official Twitter handle of Law and Order SVU, and you can take that to the bank, the blood bank senator!) and for longer and weirder stuff send us an email
