Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 82: Spoiler or Savior? Using Psychology To Gain Support For 3rd Party Candidates



How many times have you heard people say that we need a new independent 3rd political party to run for president and to keep the Democrats and Republicans in check? How many times have we had a 3rd party candidate and they get labeled a selfish pariah that siphoned votes and handed it to the other candidate?Exactly...we say that we want a 3rd party candidate but each time they run not enough people support them, their message doesn't change a damn thing, and they just end up causing more trouble then good. So we decided to dive into this topic by inviting our good friend Dr. Eric Larson host of the new podcast The Amash Files into the studio for a joint podcast episode to discuss his good friend Justin Amash running for president on the Libertarian ticket and to discuss the psychology or mental roadblocks that get in the way of people supporting a 3rd party candidate for president.We also interviewed 3 listeners from both sides of the spectrum to get their insights into their support or lack of support for a