Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 23: We The People...We The Problem...We The Solution



It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise that America is hopelessly polarized right now. America is stuck in a bad marriage between Democrats and Republicans and they are putting the children (i.e. us) in the middle. As a result each side is so dug in that they are waging a gang style war using rhetoric and division as their weapon of choice.While their tactics are great for votes and ratings, the collateral damage to the country is painfully clear. How many families and friendships have been torn apart because of politics the past 6 years? How many people do you know have talked about how stressed, angry, & anxious they are about our current political climate?If that wasn't bad enough, just this week we had two incidents where we had a US Coast Guard Officer planing a terrorist attack on liberal media personalities and politicians and we also had a college student beaten up at UC Berkley because they were recruiting for their college conservative group.Things are not good and something bad is going