
The legalities of working with brands on social media as a health professional with Tegan Boorman of Social Law Co.



In today's episode, I am joined by lawyer Tegan Boorman to chat about the legalities of working with brands on social media as a health professional. Tegan is the Founder of Social Law Co., a law firm that provides legal services related to social media, collaborations, professional services, apps and online business. Tegan regularly advises PR and influencer marketing agencies, influencers and brands on their commercial agreements and legal compliance so there really is no better person to explore this topic with me.We chat about: How influencer marketing is regulated in Australia? (10:28)The factors that health professionals need to take into consideration when working with brands and how these differ from other influencers (18:30)Whether health professionals can work with brands to promote therapeutic goods (19:00)What makes a product a therapeutic good (21:45)The potential consequences if you are found to be breaking legal requirements around the advertising of therapeutic goods (27:23)Big legal no-n