Jazz And Grass (and Other Stuff Too!)

S2 EP06 - Mac vs PC and Walking Bass



 Jazz And Grass (and other stuff too!) is a 2x monthly show addressing musical concepts and ideas that are interesting to us. Enjoy!   This week, Marcel and Lyman address the age old Mac vs PC debate, talk a bit about walking bass lines, and lots of general guitar stuff.  Daily Licks On Instagram: www.instagram.com/jazzandgrass/  Call/Text: 724-257-1046   ---   Reference Material: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PNn74hrmP2-DTrh1qiOo8ArZgCzurqDF Paula Abdul Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra6CTI857gs Lyman's Website: www.lymanlipke.com/  Marcel's Website: www.lessonswithmarcel.com/