Jazz And Grass (and Other Stuff Too!)

S2 EP05 - Nails, Dawg and 'Guitar off (Vol 2)'



 Jazz And Grass (and other stuff too!) is a 2x monthly show addressing musical concepts and ideas that are interesting to us. Enjoy!   This week, Marcel and Lyman see each other for the first time in years. Brotime happens.   Daily Licks On Instagram: www.instagram.com/jazzandgrass/  Call/Text: 724-257-1046   ---   Reference Material: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PNn74hrmP2-DTrh1qiOo8ArZgCzurqDF Paula Abdul Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra6CTI857gs Lyman's Website: www.lymanlipke.com/  Marcel's Website: www.lessonswithmarcel.com/