Jazz And Grass (and Other Stuff Too!)

EP10 - Songwriting and Sad Girls



Jazz And Grass (and other stuff too!) is a weekly show addressing musical concepts and ideas that are interesting to us. Enjoy! Call/Text: 724-257-1046 This week, we have the honor of speaking with Hillary Susz about songwriting and other things of that nature. Hillary Susz is a queer creative writer, music composer, and arts lover based out of Boulder, CO. Her music has been featured by Impose Magazine, Wild Honey Pie, The Girls Are and more. Her creative writing has been published by Wallpaper and Jeopardy Mag. As a ghost writer, her writing has appeared in a variety of media outlets, including Forbes, Business Wire, MSN, and a lot more. She currently works as a freelance writer and creative writing instructor at the University of Colorado Boulder. http://www.hillarysusz.com/ Daily Licks On Instagram: www.instagram.com/jazzandgrass/ --- Lyman's Website: www.lymanlipke.com/ Marcel's Website: www.lessonswithmarcel.com/