Hot Flash Universe

Seniors and Cannabis



Barbara Bishop, Host Walt Lusk, and our guest, Nicholas Goehner discussed why Medicinal cannabis could be a huge benefit for seniors.  Its use is UP over 333% among seniors.  So, what are we waiting for?   THC  -  You cannot Spell HEALTHCERE without THC - One of the MAIN Ingredients of Marijuana    We talked about “seniors” embracing the benefits of cannabis.  No longer is the magic weed just for “stoners” or “druggies.”    Bongs are not included!   CBD, Indica and Sativa strains were talked about, along with the Many Benefits of using CBD and Cannabis.    "There's never been a reported death from medical marijuana, yet there are 19,000 deaths a year from prescription opioids. Medical cannabis is probably safer than a lot of drugs we give," Wallace said.       Find our Podcasts  iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIN, Speakr, & Google Play