Birdman On The Mountain

AZWM - Community Shout - 10-6-2022 - Luna Tunes, Fall Festival, St. Anthony Fundraiser, Color Fun Run



It’s Pumpkin Spice and Spooky Season! Come share at the last Luna Tunes of the year. Enjoy family fun at the Snowflake/Taylor Fall Festival or Pinetop/Lakeside Color Fun Run and Walk. Help raise money for St. Anthony’s and enjoy a day of golf.   Linda Hoy - Luna Tunes - October 9th  Garrett - Snowflake/Taylor Fall Festival - October 8th  St. Anthony Golf Fundraiser - October 7th Pinetop/Lakeside Color Fun Run and Walk - October 8th   #AZWM #ARIZONAWHITEMOUNTAINS #AZWHITEMOUNTAINS #ARIZONASBACKYARD   Recorded at the Birdman Media Studios. The Community Shout is how you, the listener, can come in and share anything from charity events to fundraisers and even just comment on how fantastic your neighbor is at no cost! Stop by on Tuesday at 10:00 am in the Birdman Media Studios, have a seat, and tell everyone what's happening.   The following are th