The Tivomike Show

7 Reasons Your Favorite TV Show May Have Been Cancelled - #MoneyMonday



During this time, TV enthusiasts find themselves binging more and more TV than ever before. The thrill of finding a new show to fill your show hole is an amazing feeling of happiness and satisfaction. Let’s face it: deep diving into interesting characters and emotionally rich storylines is a thrill, which makes the disappointment that much more heart wrenching when you look for the next season’s episode to find there isn’t one. After searching online, you come across an entertainment headline announcing that your show has been cancelled. The hosts discuss this phenomenon so you can prepare yourself ahead of time by guarding your heart and expectations. Glory! Add me on Instagram: TiVoMike | Add EG on Twitter: EGMike84Products Mentioned In This Episode:TiVo Stream TCDA94000 OTA Version (Over The Air Only) for Premiere/4/XL or Roamio - MINI VOX Streaming Media Player, 4K UHD, With Voice Remote! (TCDA95000) - | IDShield plans offer the most complete an