The Tivomike Show

#justicemoneyorboth #saythenames



Corey Feldman's new documentary, My Truth: The Rape of 2 Coreys, airs Monday, March 9 at 8 p.m. PST/11 p.m. EST on On today's #MoneyMonday, the hosts TiVoMike and the show's Entertainment Guru discuss if Feldman's decision to charge pay-per-view for this documentary focuses on money rather than justice. Corey Feldman names the name of the sexual predator, child rapist, pedophile, who raped Corey Feldman and his best friend Corey Haim when they were children. Remember Suze Orman's motto: people first, then money, thing things? Listen to today's episode as the hosts see Corey Feldman's decision to charge viewers to hear the names of Hollywood sexual abusers in violation of Suze Orman's motto. Plus, find out why TIVoMike says his reaction is more akin to Olivia Benson, while the Entertainment Guru's more akin to Detective Rowlings from Law & Order: SVU (Special Victims Unit).Listen in and be blessed!Copyright 2020 The TiVoMike ShowMENTIONED DURING THE SHOWIf you're in need of legal advice, vi