The Tivomike Show

Netflix’s 2019 Films To Watch and Avoid



Netflix’s 2019 Films To Watch and Avoid#MondayMailbag: The passionate conversation between Mike and the writer made want to watch [Netflix’s ‘No Good Nick’]!#MoneyMonday: Dave Ramsey’s Debt Snowball. The goal with our money is to build and use wealth for the glory of God. One huge barrier to reaching this goal is debt and Dave Ramsey’s debt snowball method is a proven method to eliminate debt fast. The debt snowball method is listing your debts from smallest to largest, paying your minimum payment on all of your debts and applying all that you can at the smallest debt. Then, when one debt is eliminated, take all of the money you were throwing at it to the next debt, until you wipe out all of your debt.TiVoMike’s Money Tip: Write all of your debt on a big board and place on your refrigerator and as you pay off your debt, take a sharpie and cross it out. This is for two reasons: 1) Reminds you of your goal and 2) gives you a thrill when each debt is knocked off.#Spotlight: 2019 New Netflix Films | The hosts dis