The Tivomike Show

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3: The Last of the Starks



Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3: The Last of the Starks | HBO's Game of Thrones superfine TIVOMIKE discusses season 8 episode 3 with Entertainment Guru Mike Warner. The Last of the Starks did everything it was supposed to.Jon Snow, whose parents are Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, impresses Tyrion at Castle Black. However, Suspicious that the Lannisters had a hand in Bran's fall, Catelyn secretly heads to King's Landing.Plus, Entertainment Guru shares his disgust with CBS regarding their cancellation of "Kevin Probably Saves the World" and TIVOMIKE shares his disgust with NBC for canceling "Quantum Leap" (yes, STILL upset about this).Listen and be blessed. Glory!