The Tivomike Show

This Is Us Cast Members Get A Raise



This Is Us Cast Members Get A RaiseOn today’s #MoneyMonday, This Is Us main cast members receive a huge raise, Fidelity studies Americans retirement accounts and money advice we’d give our 20 year old selves.On today’s #MoneyMonday, This Is Us main cast members receive a huge raise, Fidelity studies Americans retirement accounts and money advice we’d give our 20 year old selves.On today’s #MoneyMonday, This Is Us main cast members receive a huge raise, Fidelity studies Americans retirement accounts and money advice we’d give our 20 year old selves.  Fidelity Investments discovers the average American in their 50s have $174,200 in their retirement accounts. Is that enough or not enough? We discuss  CNBC’s Make It asked 6 successful CEOs for advice they’d give their 20 year old selves. We do the same.And, we discuss the huge raises the parents and the “Big 3” received.Listen in today. Glory!