Concierge For Better Living

Die Young... at an Old Age



Today on Concierge for Better Living Dr. Mitch speaks with Dr. Dave Hepburn an acclaimed media personality in the world of medical cannabis. Dr. Hepburn has been a co-host of the Oprah Winfrey Network show Buyologic. Together with Dr. Rob Sealey, he has also hosted the popular Canadian national radio program Wisequacks. The duo is often seen together in different speaking sessions, and is considered to be the leaders in teaching the appropriate application in the world of medical cannabis. They have recently delivered their highly sought after topic "Die Young... at an Old Age" to the BC Senior Living Association in Whistler, BC on Sept 12 and to the Seasons Retirement Conference, on Oct 5 in the Hockley Valley. Dr. Hepburn was a Canadian naval surgeon in the Persian Gulf War in 1991 and served as the doctor for the Canadian Armed Forces' West Coast fleet for three years. He was an instructor of NBCW (nuclear, biological, chemical warfare) medical treatment. He was also a doctor to the 1996 Olympic Games in A