Thriving Stylist Podcast

#257 - Is It Time to Let A Team Member Go?



Today’s episode is again inspired by another review I received from a listener who has questions around terminations. How exactly do you know if now is the right time to let a team member go, and if you have given that person a fair shot? Once you’ve made the decision that it isn’t the right fit, how do you let the person go in a professional manner? These can be tricky questions to answer, but I want you to think hard about what it is that you’re trying to create with your business, and who you want to be around each and every day to help you succeed. You need to not only ask these questions, but be brutally honest with yourself, have these conversations, and make the hard choices that are necessary. In this episode, I want to set you up for success with all your hires and all your terminations, and take the fear out of making these decisions. You can do it!  If you have a question for me that you’d like answered in a future episode, a great way to do that is to head over to Apple Podcasts and leave a rating