Capital Markets Today

NoteExpo Podcast Series – NPL Market, Repass/ Colonial Funding Group



NoteExplo - November 2nd-3rd 2018 - Dallas TX Freddie Mac announced this week that it sold via auction 3,247 delinquent non-performing loans from its mortgage investments portfolio. The loans, totaling $569 million and settling in December, are currently serviced by Specialized Loan Servicing LLC.  The loans were offered in three separate pools of which the winners were Balbec Capital, Lone Star and MCM Capital Joining the podcast to discuss the non-performing loan market is Bob Repass, Managing Director at Colonial Funding Group.   Over the course of his career, Bob has purchased over 40,000 performing and non-performing mortgage loans totaling over $2.5 billion dollars in volume.  In addition to managing the firm, Bob is a Managing Partner for Colonial Capital Management, where he is the Chief Investment Officer of CCM’s Colonial Impact Fund II.